Thursday, November 27, 2008

300C Limousine for President Obama

Some people bemoaned the fact that President-elect Obama used to drive a Chrysler 300C. To me and many others a sure sign of class. Now as President-elect, like all other presidents new Limousines are being built for him. I really think this is the chance to get back to basics and have the Chrysler 300C Limousine outfitted as the premier presidential vehicle of choice. While they are at it why not customize it up a touch !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama is already making it easier for you and I to have access to money! Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Search for your Bailout