Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Journey in Chrysler 300C Part II

Part II
Pools of Chrysler 300C light shine on a two-lane highway,
heading west in a sea of sand, tumbleweed and mountains of stone.
Our road with wheat and corn was lined;
O'er rapid acceleration of the 300C over hill and dales;
Our winding course we drive beneath a starlit sky.
Mother Nature’s daughter remains unspoiled, unused,
untapped, naked in her thirst and virgin in desire.
Particles of light danced between the 300C headlights their eyes,
painting pictures till Columbia's stream we had in view;
It seemed only an avenue-
Through which at last we hoped to gain,
The Promised Land, of California the long sought plain .
Soon down the stream with speed we flew,
With full spread SRT8 throttle and joyful crew;
At length we reached our journey's end;
Our days in California to spend;
With fertile soil and genial clime;
God grant that we redeem our time.
Henceforth let us contented be;
With what we learn from what we see,
If more I learn perhaps I'll tell;
But for the present fare you well California


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